Smith espouses a policy of appeasing Trump, saying we should “[..] buy more from the U.S. and address the trade balance“.

“If there’s a failure of leadership, and if there’s a damage to the relationship, it’s 100 per cent at the feet of Justin Trudeau,” Smith said.

“All I can do is try to repair and build relationships that should have been repaired and built over the last four years.”

Smith said at this time it is up to the premiers who will be “consistent voices” and have longer mandates to maintain relationships until a new prime minister is elected in Canada.

Edmonton Journal Article


Under Danielle Smith’s leadership, Alberta is still the sole province missing from the alliance of provinces, despite assurances of help from fellow Canadian ministers such as Quebec Premier François Legault, who said Monday:

“If a province like Alberta had to make efforts that cost more than all the provinces, there should be compensation from the federal government. The idea is to make Canada win, but not necessarily to make one province pay more than another”

Edmonton Journal Article


It has been pointed out that Mrs. Smith U.S. trip has resulted in her posting a myriad selfies with various US politicians, without a single reciprocation.  This has led some media to represent Smith as somewhat desperate.

New 22-Minute Parody: Danielle Smith Meets Trump!
byu/Appropriate_Duty_930 inalberta