Law Society of Alberta is also called out by name.  Unrelatedly, they happened to have sanctioned former UCP Justice Minister Madu last week what a co-incidence!

The College of Physicians and Surgeons name-drop is on behalf of her bestie Dr Peterson (most recently alleged under oath to be a paid Russian shill).  Smith is a fantastic person to regulate ethics on other’s behalf, as she knows so much about it herself.

Is Danielle Smith soon to free Alberta teachers from the “Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers and Teacher Leaders” section “Professional Conduct Requirements” as set out by the Government of Alberta?  It would certainly seem hypocritical not to, given sections currently reading:

3 In relation to colleagues, the teacher or teacher leader shall
(b) not criticize the professional competence or professional reputation of another teacher or teacher leader, except
(i) in confidence to appropriate officials, or in making a complaint about the alleged unprofessional conduct or alleged professional incompetence of a teacher or teacher leader under the Act

4 In relation to the teaching profession, the teacher or teacher leader shall
(a) behave in a manner that maintains the honour and dignity of the profession, and
(b) not engage in activities that adversely affect the quality of the teacher’s or teacher leader’s
professional service.

– Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers and Teacher Leaders: Professional Conduct Requirements (p2)


Some of Peterson’s possibly great ideas, currently “non-conventional and controversial”, but maybe to become popular in mainstream!  Part of reasonable disagreement and debate.